desert island

desert island
If you were stranded on a desert island, which ONE health product would you want to have with you? I've got my #1 favorite, and I've asked other health experts and friends what they would choose.  I got some really amazing answers, ranging from krill oil to coffee.  While there's no substitute for adequate food and water, you could certainly extend your stay on some idyllic island with these supplements.  The following explanations are brief, so be sure to click on the highlighted links to get more information.

Fish Oil / Krill Oil

You've heard people cringe about taking cod liver oil as a kid, but fish oils are finally getting their time in the limelight.  Fish oils are very important because of their essential fatty acids. EFA's (which include omega-3 and omega-6 fats) are crucial to cardiovascular health, immunity, joint function, and brain development. Krill oil contains EFA's plus antioxidants.  Here's what some experts said:


Dr. Joseph Mercola, world renowned natural health expert, creator of "No doubt in my mind that if that desert island did not have access to sun it would be vitamin D. That is the WITHOUT question the single most important one. But if I had access to sun it would likely be krill oil as we all need a source of high quality omega-3 and it is my belief that it is the best one."

Kathleen Slattery-Moschkau, host of The Kathleen Show and expert on pharmaceutical marketing tactics: "I'd have to say fish oil. But if I was on a deserted island...I'd probably be eating lots and lots of fish. Like it or not."

Shawn Tassone, MD , author of Hands Off My Belly: "Udo's Choice Perfected Oil Blend. The best EFA supplement and we are all deficient. Use real oil and oil the machine."

Chocolateraw cocoa

This may sound too good to be true, but in fact pure dark chocolate has many health benefits.  It has extremely high antioxidant levels, which are especially important if you're getting massive sun exposure on a desert island. Antioxidants help to reverse the free radical damage that leads to such things as skin cancer. Chocolate also acts as a mood elevator, which would certainly help if you were stranded and alone.  However, not all chocolate is created equal. It is important that the processing does not destroy the antioxidants, and that there are no artificial fillers.

Ayurvedic Herbs: Triphala, Turmeric, Ginger

Many Ayurvedic herbs are excellent rejuvenatives that would help keep you strong while stranded. Triphala is a formula which is very high in Vitamin C and maintains good digestion and elimination while boosting the immune system. Turmeric is anti-inflammatory and purifies the blood. Ginger is very beneficial for digestion and also relieves joint pain.

Lissa Coffey, natural health blogger at Huffington Post, author of "What's Your Dosha, Baby?": "Triphala! Best thing for overall digestion and health."

Jackie Parker, Ayurveda practitioner, creator of "I would choose Turmeric because it supports important blood and liver functions."

Meghan Telpner, Holistic Lifestyle Consultant and nutrition blogger: "#1 Digestive enzyme with bile and pancreatin: Would make everything else I'd have to eat go down a little easier. #2 Ginger root."


A Facebook fan voted for Kombucha, and it's a great idea.  If you were stranded with kombucha starter, black tea and sugar, you could continue to make and drink kombucha for as long as your supplies lasted. Your starter will make "babies" that you can then use to make more tea.  Kombucha has been an important health tonic in China and Russia for almost 2000 years. Contrary to popular belief, it is not a mushroom. Kombucha is a culture;  a continuously reproducing, symbiotic colony of friendly bacteria (probiotics) and fission yeasts.  People with allergies to yeast do not react to Kombucha. On the contrary, it is highly alkalinizing, and seems to minimize allergies and inflammatory conditions.  It has been used as a health elixir to promote vitality, weight loss, lower cholesterol, and improve complexion.

Whey Protein

Several experts voted for whey protein made from pure, raw milk.  Whey protein is a complete protein, and it also contains all of the essential amino acids.

New Wave Athletic Studio, lifestyle coaches, fitness trainers, whole foods chef: "Whey protein isolate contains an abundance of amino acids (building blocks to life), it is easily absorbed, digested and is alkaline forming."

Sandy Sommer, Kettlebell fitness instructor: "favorite supplement is 100% whey from grassfed cows."

My #1 Is Blue-Green Algae

blue-green algaeMy #1 favorite health product is wild blue-green algae. My chiropractor and my kids voted for this one.  My family eats a lot of it and we believe it is one of the essential elements in our day that keeps us vital.  Blue-green algae is a superfood. It is not an isolated or synthesized active ingredient. It is a whole food source, which means that the nutrients in it are easily assimilated.  We love it because it is chock full of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, chlorophyll and essential fatty acids.  The algae naturally contains active enzymes and phytonutrients. It improves my energy, mental clarity, immunity, and vitality.  If a day goes by and the kids haven't eaten enough green vegetables, I can give them a dose of algae, and they're set.  It's an important food and we are never without it.  We always travel with it since it can sometimes be hard to eat well when we're traveling.  So I'd definitely have it in the bag - if the bag made it to the island!


What Would YOU Want To Have On A Desert Island?

What is YOUR favorite supplement that you wouldn't want to be without? Which one health product do YOU think would be best to have with you if you were stranded on a desert island?  There are so many amazing traditional and modern health products out there that truly benefit us in lots of different ways. It's a good idea to try them out and see what works best.  Each person is unique, and what works best for one person might be different than what is best for somebody else.  In addition to proper diet, exercise, attitude, and lifestyle, these supplements can help you achieve the optimal health you desire. Go ahead and leave your comment below to help all the other readers get more great information!  And as always, please share this!


Bodhimed is a proud participant in the Prevention Not Prescriptions blog carnival.